Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Leadership Styles Of The Chief Of Sunrise Regional...

1. Introduction This report was commission by Shayne Williams, CEO of Sunrise Regional Council. Its purpose is to analyse and advise on improving communication practices between the council and the communities as well as between manager and employees in the council. According to the case study, Shayne Williams recognised the former CEOs reasoning and decision-making was sound, but his failure to communicate his vision has resulted in lack of support from all stakeholders. Shayne is concerned now that bad publicity, ratepayer animosity, and lack of engagement by regional council staff have created a barrier to ensuring the expressway initiative can forge ahead. This report will analyse the leadership styles of the former CEO and offer some recommendation on what could able to be done to help Mr. Williams solve the problems. Main issues are included leadership personalities and behaviours, effective internal communication style, and public and external communication. However, due to the lack of information in the case study, the limitation of the report and its recommendations might be appeared. 2. Discussion 2.1. Organisation behaviour issues – Leadership The first issue is the leadership styles of the former CEO of Sunrise Regional Council. There is always confusion between the definition of management and leadership in organisations. While â€Å"management promotes stability, order, and problem solving within the existing organisational structure and systems;Show MoreRelatedCorrectional Administration Reviewer18383 Words   |  74 Pages(like penitentiary) ï  µ brutality ï  µ corruption ï  µ not administered as planned ï  µ but, important features survived: ï  ® inmate classification ï  ® rehabilitation programs ï  ® indeterminate sentences ï  ® parole 3. THE INDUSTRIAL PRISON – The failure of reformatory style of prison was lead to the development of attractive alternative where potential profitability of inmate labor was conceptualized. 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